Teens looking to earn volunteer hours may apply to become Brant Teen Reviewers.
Teen Reviewers submit virtual reviews of books, movies, graphic novels, music, and/or video games to help promote our collection to other teens.
Volunteer qualifications
- High school student aged 14-18 years.
- An interest in reading, watching, or listening to items from our library collections.
- An ability to communicate well with others.
- Strong writing skills.
Volunteer responsibilities
- Read, watch, play, or listen to any item in our physical or digital collections that would appeal to, or interest a teen aged 14-18. (This includes books, ebooks, graphic novels, audiobooks, games, video games, movies, TV, music, and magazines.)
- Write a meaningful and concise review of 100-200 words.
- Reviews must use inclusive and respectful language.
- Reviews must adhere to our values.
- Represent our library online in our catalogue.
Volunteer benefits
- Earn volunteer hours towards your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD):
- Earn one volunteer hour per review, up to 20 hours total.
- Each volunteer will submit a minimum of five reviews.
- Discover books, ebooks, graphic novels, audiobooks, games, video games, movies, TV, music, and magazines from our print and digital collections.
- Amplify your voice in the library.
- Improve your writing and critical thinking skills.
How reviews are published
Reviews submitted by Teen Reviewers will be published in our catalogue under the anonymous "BrantTeenReviewers" username.
Teen Reviewers complete reviews during 3-month terms that align with the school year (2-months during the summer).
How to apply
Email Children's Services here.