Learn about Remembrance Day and World War history with reading recommendations, 60-second Historica Canada videos, and local event information, including events taking place at the library.
Visit our online catalogue and explore a staff-created reading list.
Discover 60-second videos produced by Historica Canada and learn about Tom Longboat, D-Day, Elsie MacGill, and more!
Corner of Mechanic Street and Grand River Street North.
Visit our digital collection and discover images, online exhibits, news articles, and more!
Contact Us
County of Brant Public Library
12 William St.
Paris, ON N3L 1K7
T. 519-442-2433
Email this contact
Paris Main Branch
12 William Street
Paris, Ontario, N3L 1K7
T: 519-442-2433
F: 519-442-7582
Email us
Open today from 10 am to 5 pm
Drop box open for returns.
Burford Branch
24 Park Avenue, Box 267
Burford, Ontario, N0E 1A0
T: 519-449-5371
F: 519-449-5038
Email us
Open today from 10 am to 2 pm
Drop box open for returns.
Glen Morris Branch
474 East River Road, PO Box 40
Glen Morris, Ontario, N0B 1W0
T: 519-740-2122
F: 519-740-0598
Email us
Closed today
Drop box open for returns.
Onondaga Mobile Library Service
Onondaga Fire Hall, 734 Highway 54
Onondaga, Ontario, N3T 5L9
T: 519-442-2433
Open Thursdays 4 pm to 7 pm
Book kiosk always open.
Scotland-Oakland Branch
281 Oakland Road, PO Box 40
Scotland, Ontario, N0E 1R0
T: 519-446-0181
F: 519-446-0077
Email us
Open today from 12 pm to 5 pm
Drop box open for returns.
St. George Branch
78 Main Street N., PO Box 310
St. George, Ontario, N0E 1N0
T: 519-448-1300
F: 519-448-4608
Email us
Open today from 10 am to 5 pm
Drop box open for returns.